Our showcase is stationed in the historic building of the former PSK, on the 1st floor, rooms 151-156.
Mark your calendars for our special performances on today’s agenda, Thursday, June 29th
17:00 – N̆̈ĕ̈ŭ̈r̆̈ŏ̈-̆̈m̆̈ă̈n̆̈ĭ̈c̆̈ ̆̈N̆̈ĕ̈ŭ̈r̆̈ŏ̈m̆̈ă̈t̆̈ĭ̈c̆̈ ̆̈Ğ̈ă̈m̆̈ĕ̈ ̆̈Ă̈r̆̈t̆̈ ̆̈Ĕ̈x̆̈p̆̈ĕ̈r̆̈ĭ̈m̆̈ĕ̈n̆̈t̆̈ ̆̈Ă̈[̆̈Ĭ̈]̆̈ ̆̈M̆̈Ă̈Z̆̈Ĕ̈
In a neuro-manic Neuromatic Game Art experiment, we test the effects of AI-generated images on our brain in a feedback loop. The “prompt” – that is, the textually described command for image generation – is replaced by data from our brainwaves 🧠🌊 collected through a 32-channel EEG.
The 32 channels are implemented in an audio game composition. They influence our own mood towards the image generated from AI and our biological mind (brainwave measurement).
Further informations:
After the NEUROMATIC performance, synthesizing art and neuroscienitifc apparatus:
A discourse with the curator and co-initiator of Künstlerische Tatsachen Jena,
Enrique Torres on Science, Spiel and Art
Do we need a Bioludic lab — a space for artistic facts?
Enrique Torres, born in Jena, has been part of the re: publica program team since 2018 and was responsible for the rpCampus, among other things. He studied philosophy and cross-disciplinary strategy at the University of Leipzig and at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.