For the exhibition “Aus Licht und Wasser. Vom Streben nach »Oberflächlichkeit«” @ Kunstverein Ulm.
In this installation, a potted plant embodies the essence of the plant world. Known for their sensitivity, plants often respond to touch with subtle stress or defensive gestures, anticipating unseen predators. Yet, they also sway gracefully under the caress of a gentle breeze, vital for pollination and renewal.
Margarete Jahrmann & Stefan Glasauer coop Georg Luif / Stefan Maier (The Psycholudic Approach)
Join us this Wednesday, December 11, for an exclusive guest lecture by composer and turntablist Jorge Sánchez-Chiong. In his talk, “The Music that doesn’t exist,“ is a series of talks about music and media that is influenced by the thoughts of a game theorist, as well as by my teaching of experimental music for media, and my doctoral artistic research project “anything but art”.
In this edition we will focus on the films HYPERDUST and HYPERHYPERDUST, my most recent collaborations with the collective TE-R [Louise Linsenbolz & Thomas Wagensommerer].
We were happy to host the #SUBOTRON Live Pitch Competition of Austrian Student Projects 2024
November 22 at the Experimental Game Culture studio at Angewandte in the iconic building of Expositur PSK
Virtual PSK offers a space to play interactive artworks crafted by students of Experimental Game Cultures across various years. Utilize the physical game board by placing an artist’s avatar to unlock portals within the virtual installation, allowing for playtesting of their Hybrid Game Assemblages.
Our showcase is stationed in the historic building of the former PSK, on the 1st floor, rooms 151-156.
Mark your calendars for our special performances on today’s agenda, Thursday, June 29th
The exhibition NEXT GENERATION is aimed at young artists and students from eight art academies and university programs for visual arts. Experimental Game Cultures Students Aliya Daveltova, Marlene Mautner & Daniela Weiss/Litto/The System Collective exhibited their pieces.
Art games by: Aliya Davletova, Adrian Jonas Haim, Wassily Bartuska, Bernhard Staudinger, Barbi Markovic, Marlene Mautner, Daniela Weiß/ Litto, Maxim Shchapov, Sebastian Joseph Scholz, Sarah Steininger, Klimentina Hristova.
If/then – or? The white cube phase of prototyping Experimental Game Cultures.
In the exhibition of the first hybrid game-culture assemblages from the new master’s program Experimental Game Cultures, we focus on the conscious change of established dynamics of the game, reflecting both the dark side and the intensity of the games — in ludic arrangements between human and non-human actors.
Participation with the EXPERIMENTAL GAME CULTURES department – AVATAR SEANCE @ Museum Belvedere, 26th Feb. 2022
Join us this Wednesday, December 11, for an exclusive guest lecture by composer and turntablist Jorge Sánchez-Chiong. In his talk, “The Music that doesn’t exist,“ is a series of talks about music and media that is influenced by the thoughts of a game theorist, as well as by my teaching of experimental music for media, and my doctoral artistic research project “anything but art”.
In this edition we will focus on the films HYPERDUST and HYPERHYPERDUST, my most recent collaborations with the collective TE-R [Louise Linsenbolz & Thomas Wagensommerer].
Im BiO∞LudiC∞LaB verschmelzen Kunst, ludische Ansätze, Wissenschaft und Natur zu einem einzigartigen Konzept. Unser Ziel ist es, das „Bioludic Wide Web“ zu etablieren — ein solides Fundament für eine zukunftsfähige, bioludische Gesellschaft. In dieser kreativen Umgebung fördern und pflegen wir innovative Beziehungen zwischen Menschen, nicht-menschlichen Wesen, der Natur, des Spiels und der Technologie.
An afternoon of EXPERIMENTAL GAME CULTURES/ University of Applied Arts Vienna and International FLOW experts in play. Studio EGC, 1st floor, Georg Coch Platz, ehem. PSK. Including a sneak preview of the virtual PLAY SAVINGS BANK (works of all EGC players).
Digital Agency, inherent in both human and non-human participants interacting in digital realms or through digital technologies, can be hailed as the new and transformed ways of executable power. Digital games, especially, offer an insightful playground, where all kinds of agencies can be experienced: How is it to be a superhero, how is it to be an animal, how is it to be in VR – and what are my powers, what am I able to do?
In an increasingly digital and interconnected world, the intersection of bodies, technology, theory, and artificial intelligence (AI) presents an engaging and thought-provoking topic for a performative conference. This conference aims to explore the connections between these domains and delve into their transformative potential for contemporary societies.
24.01.24, 18:00 – Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1. OG
´pata play is like ´pataphysics the science of imaginary solutions. In a time of constant change and craziness we experiment with ´pata as discipline, play as method and art.
Digital Agency, inherent in both human and non-human participants interacting in digital realms or through digital technologies, can be hailed as the new and transformed ways of executable power. Digital games, especially, offer an insightful playground, where all kinds of agencies can be experienced: How is it to be a superhero, how is it to be an animal, how is it to be in VR – and what are my powers, what am I able to do?
On the 6th of December Tamás Páll will present the research project called “NEST” for the students and faculty of the Experimental Game Cultures program at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Starting at 17:00.
This seminar is about the magic and the artistic potential of Alternate Reality Games. There is no rulebook for ARGs and no limits. Creating a metaworld by weaving experimental narratives and collaborative game mechanics into multiple online platforms
We extend a warm and heartly welcome to our (new) students!
It’s been an incredible start with so much energy, creativity, and endless possibilities, filled with experiments and plenty of “pata play“. 👾🕹️
We were happy to host the #SUBOTRON Live Pitch Competition of Austrian Student Projects 2024
November 22 at the Experimental Game Culture studio at Angewandte in the iconic building of Expositur PSK
The Department of Experimental Game Cultures took part in a 48-hour game jam recently, bringing together two teams to face four different challenges: NPC & AI, Immerse Yourself into Culture, On the Go, and Museum Accessibility.
This event was intense, pushing participants to think new and experimental about games and how they can be more inclusive and engaging.
Once again we joined the A Maze Festival in Berlin. This time we are showcasing our new portable virtual play savings bank and some glimpses from our ongoing artistic research projects.
Margarete Jahrmann was also giving a hyper talk about our department.
Using experimental games, the Neuromatic Game Art research project playfully explores the possibilities and limits of technology at the interface of brain and computer. Read more about it in this article:
“A pioneering experimental game artist, Margarete Jahrmann’s multimedia installations disclose the secret plots we un-consentingly act out and all the forms of play we didn’t imagine we’d enjoy. Her advocacy of “ludic activism” is an enticement to hijack tech from its profit drive and to interface with digitalization via critical pleasure.”
An interview with Mindy Seu.
For the exhibition “Aus Licht und Wasser. Vom Streben nach »Oberflächlichkeit«” @ Kunstverein Ulm.
In this installation, a potted plant embodies the essence of the plant world. Known for their sensitivity, plants often respond to touch with subtle stress or defensive gestures, anticipating unseen predators. Yet, they also sway gracefully under the caress of a gentle breeze, vital for pollination and renewal.
Margarete Jahrmann & Stefan Glasauer coop Georg Luif / Stefan Maier (The Psycholudic Approach)
We were fortunate to take part in the European Permacomputing Game Jam from October 11th to 13th, where we formed three teams with our students and spent an intense 48 hours creating innovative games. This jam celebrates creativity within the boundaries of sustainability, urging participants to create computationally minimal games that run on simple platforms.
In a performative game with anti-game mechanics, we demonstrate appropriation, appropriation as one inherent in subversive play with technologies. Form of art. The former Postsparkasse ticket hall becomes Shannon’s labyrinth.
Margarete Jahrmann and Georg Tremmel/JP @ Angewandte Programm für inter- und transdisziplinäre Projekte in Kunst und Forschung (INTRA)
Idea & drone play: Max Moswitzer.
Drone Counter/Game Interface: Georg Luif.
Live Play in the Jugendstil Kassenhalle, reclaiming the site through play/appropriated performance with the EXPERIMENTAL GAME CULTURES head, team, drones & rabbits